Unaccompanied minors

What is the minimum age to travel alone by plane?

The minimum age to travel alone by plane is 18 years old. If a minor will be traveling unaccompanied, we offer the Volaris is With You service. When you get to the Volaris check-in counter, our staff will provide you with the necessary assistance to make your travel experience a great one.

What does the service include?

It consists of providing assistance for unaccompanied minors from the airport of origin, during the flight, and until arrival at the destination airport. It does not include transportation to/from areas outside the Airport.

Minors from 5 to 17 years old

Children from 5 to 12 years old traveling alone are considered unaccompanied minors and can only travel using Volaris is With You. For children from 13 to 17 years, the service is optional. In both cases, minors must come to the Volaris check-in counter with someone over the age of 18 and with their printed boarding pass. 

Minors under 5 years old

Children between 2 and 4 years old may travel as unaccompanied minors only when traveling with a family member between 13 and 17 years old. In this case, both will be considered unaccompanied minors and they must use the Volaris is With You service.

How to purchase Volaris is With You?

You can add the service at the Customers' step of the booking process on www.volaris.com, or purchase it via the Call Center, or at the check-in counter at the airport.


If you already have Volaris is With You

Minors using the Volaris is With You service must arrive early at the check-in counter accompanied by a person of legal age (18 years old for Mexico and Central America, and 21 years old for the United States) who can provide their personal information (name, phone number, address, and official identification), the information of the person dropping them off and the information of the person who will receive them at the destination airport.

The adult companion must remain at the airport of origin until the flight's departure.


It is important that you take into account the following restrictions that apply to unaccompanied minors under 18:

  • Seating

    For safety reasons, minors under 15 years old can't travel in emergency exit seats.

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    For connecting flights, the time between flights must be greater than 2 hours and less than 4.

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    Cross Border Xpress, pet onboard, and emotional support dogs and cats services are not available for unaccompanied minors. They can't travel on a codeshare flight either.

    Unaccompanied minors can't purchase the Cross Border Xpress or Pet On Board services (including emotional support dogs and cats). They can't travel on a codeshare flight either.

Personal information of the minor

Children traveling alone must wear a badge in plain sight with their personal information so that the crew and employees can identify them as unaccompanied minors and they will be accompanied by Volaris staff throughout the travel process.

Minors undergoing treatment

Minors who are undergoing medical treatment, have chronic or degenerative illnesses, or have physical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from being able to look after themselves can't travel as unaccompanied minors.

International Flights

If it is an international flight, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the current legal (immigration) regulations and required documentation for minors traveling abroad before making a reservation.


For information on the price of the service, please refer to additional services fees.

The price of the service is per client, per flight and is not transferable.